Keeping your desk clean is very important. Why? Well, clean space brings you refreshments. When you come to your office and find your space clean and beautiful, you feel like doing your work with all the excitement. Also keeping your desk clean makes a good impression on other staff. This makes them feel good. This also encourages others to keep the space clean. And so here we share steps you can take to keep your space clean.
Keep only essential things: Things you use daily should only sit on your desk. Other things should be kept inside the cabinet to make it look more spacious and mess-free.
Keep little things closer: Drawers or pen stands are convenient items to keep your daily used items. This will be handy and easy.
Keep frequently used items in reach: Important files and other materials you regularly use within arm’s reach. For example, if you keep a telephone book on your table but often opt for an online directory, then the phone book needs to go away.
Think “up”: By keeping your monitor on a stand, you will have more space and, most importantly, a good posture to sit and work. And if possible, install shelves above your monitor and keep things you need regularly or closer to you.
Create a system: Organize your things. Using them is a way that things don’t litter here and there. And if you are using paper that is now useless, throw them right away. Don’t just sit and pile up things on your desk. Maintain a system that will be beautiful.
Plants: Put a plant or beautiful natural things on your desk. This will make you feel good and refreshed.
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